Articles and Publications


The competences of the European Municipalities

Should State grants to municipalities be abolished?

Privatization of municipal cleaning  services International experience and Troika’s requirements

Study of candidates and the electorate during the last local elections

The governance of metropolitan areas: A new subject to international spatial competition

Metropolitan government Basic principles and political dilemmas

Municipalities and Agricultural Development: The contribution of producer groups in local development

Alternative financial mechanisms for municipalities The Swedish Experience

The strategy of Smart Cities” and cities Examples of Greek Smart Cities


Sketching out European Programmes:

How can Greek municipalities benefit from Erasmus + (2014 – 2020)

How can Greek municipalities benefit from  HORIZON 2020″Research and Innovation 2014-2020

How can Greek Municipalities be entitled to claim funding ofINTERREG 2014 – 2020″

How can Greek Municipalities benefit from “INTERREG MED”

“Interreg Greece-Cyprus” 2014 – 2020:  Opportunities for insular municipalities



Municipalities’ Finance (training seminars of the newly elected Mayors and Municipal Councilors)

Greek Municipalities Finance and their European Environment



The Greek Local Authorities in the framework of Europe

Decentralized provision of social services

Sustainable Development Strategy – Proposal of the Development Interventions in Western Districts of Limassol’s  Urban Center 

The Strategy of Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Municipality of Limassol

Opportunities & Challenges for Greek Municipalities in the New Programming Period Sustainable Mobility for the island of KOS

Opportunities and Challenges in the New Programming Period The case of Plastiras Municipality 

The European Territorial Cooperation program “Interreg Europe”